Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Random things

  • Amarah is crawling and pulling up.
  • Addison starts preschool tomorrow.
  • 5:00 am comes way too early in the morning.
  • Tofu is actually quite good.
  • Things you never ate as a child and thought you didn't like because of it end up actually being quite good when you try them as an adult, namely blueberries.
  • We've rarely been in our backyard all summer nor used our grill at all this summer.
  • Babies don't need toys, just outlets, cords, ficus trees, vacuum cleaners, cat doors, door stops, vertical blinds and the ever popular car keys and cell phones to play with.
  • There are only 4 more months until Christmas. YIKES!


Jill said...

pulling up. argh. Keeley acts like she's going to fall if we aren't right there. she'll pull up to her knees on a solid item, and all the way up on us. guess it's confidence that she's lacking. although yesterday she started pulling up and bouncing, as if she was on her knees and rocking before learning to crawl. does that mean she'll try and pull up all the way soon? toys. hmm. how about cardboard soda boxes, the crack under the bathroom door (closed so she can't go in), the base of the fan, the knob on the side of the fan, outlets, wait you said that already.. yeah. no toys around here. just hazards! what's amarah getting for christmas? or her birthday? you obviously have some toys from addison. just wondering what we should put on the list...

Valerie23 said...

Honestly, I doubt we will get a ton for Amarah for her birthday or for Christmas. We're already bursting at the seams with toys here. Don't forget that grandparents and aunts and uncles will also be buying presents so I wouldn't go overboard, unless you really want to. We still don't with Addison. Maybe some things to help her as she becomes more mobile like a music table. We got Addison a thing he can hold onto and walk behind when he turned 1 and then it turns into a car that they sit and ride on when they are older. He still plays with it from time to time. Megablocks are always good. Just trying to think of all the things Addison got for his 1st birthday.

Michelle said...

Glad to see you put a post in :) I always check to see if you've written anything.