Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Should I...

continue with this blog? I don't know. I started this as a way for our families to keep up with our daily lives but now that my mom and mother-in-law are both on Facebook, I feel like I'm just repeating myself by blogging. So you tell me!


Jill said...

I do like you blogging, because you can express more on the blog than you can on facebook, because not that many people have the address, or would go to the effort to find it, etc. Or if there's something controversial going on there and you think its stupid, you could blab about it over here. If you post a question on facebook, you'll get a lot of answers, but some of them will be sarcastic. If you post it here, you're more likely to have people that actually give more than 2 craps about you and an honest answer..

However, it is up to you. If its not working for you, then just hang up your hat, er keyboard!

Michelle said...

I enjoy reading your blog. So if you continue I'll keep on reading!