No, seriously, I want my baby back! I don't know what has happened to my laid back, easy going little girl.
I swear she has been teething for what seems like months now! And just recently she has decided that she doesn't want to nurse. Not because she's distracted but because she appears to be in pain.
This has not been going over well with me. I told you Addison was a champion teether and never seemed bothered by the fact that teeth were trying to cut through his gums. OUCH! So I'm having a very difficult time dealing with Amarah's constant fussiness.
And I don't even know for sure if it's teething! Thought it might be an ear infection so I took her to the pediatrician last week. Nothing.
I feel like I'm torturing my child by forcing her to eat. I feel like she is slowly going to start rejecting me or have a negative association with breastfeeding.
Many tears have been shed over this by both of us. I don't know what to do anymore! Do I take her back to the pediatrician again only to be told there's nothing wrong?
A couple of my friends have suggested having her seen by a chiropractor. Still not sure how I feel about this.
I just wish that if it was indeed teething, I would see a stinkin' tooth already!
Maybe I'll just have to resort to rubbing a little whiskey on her gums like they did back in the day.
Here you go Amarah! 1 shot for you and 2 shots for Mommy!
Monday, April 20, 2009
I want my baby back baby back baby back...
Posted by Valerie23 at 2:37 PM
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Oh, sorry to hear Amarah isn't wanting to nurse. Question though why would you take her to a chiropractor? I hope things get better for the both of you!!
:-) try numbing her gums up before she eats. maybe that will help? you might be a little cold, but hey, if she eats... so far Keeley is happy to eat, even though she seems to have a tooth trying to poke through. just remember that she'll eat when she is hungry, and that she wont eat any better out of a bottle than she will on you. ounces wise I mean.
Michelle - some people swear by taking babies to chiropractors. Things are off from birth and with their developing bones and muscles, they need adjusted once in awhile.
Jill - we've been doing motrin and teething tablets. haven't done baby orajel yet. i'm not giving her bottles. don't want to really screw things up. like you said, she'll eat when she is hungry and i'm not giving her any other options to eat from. geez! this girl has been nothing but a drama queen from the moment she was in the womb!
:-) so many people in your situation would immediately assume that something is wrong with their milk and immediately begin formula, that's why I made the comment-glad you're not thinking that way.
Thanks Jill! Don't think that thought hasn't crossed my mind time and time again, especially when people do suggest it. I just have to keep reminding myself that that's not the case and this is just a phase that will pass. Took her back to the dr. this morning and all she said was she has a little bit of an upper respiratory infection going on and a little bit of teething going on. Part of me thinks she just told me that to give me peace of mind but I'm not a dr. I think we are going to look into the chiro. I'm tired of having a meltdown everyday but at least I know there is nothing medically wrong with her. *sigh*
6 month shots in a few days? ours went better this time. crossing fingers for you that yours do too!
Not til May 6th so we've got a little over a week to go. Glad to hear Keeley's went well!
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