Friday, March 6, 2009

4 month checkup

Amarah had her 4 month checkup this morning. Pete and Addison tagged along for support. I'm proud to report that she is above average on weight, height and head circumference. She now weighs in at a whopping 15.8 pounds and is roughly 25 inches long. The poor girl had to get 5 vaccinations today, 1 by mouth and 4 injected (2 in each leg). You would think it would get easier watching your child get stuck with a needle but I tell you it doesn't. My eyes well up with tears everytime I see that face ball up after the first needle stick and wait for the loud screech soon to follow. She was a trooper though and was completely wiped out after that. Here's our growing girl at the doctor's office before that mean nurse lady came in and ruined her morning!

Now if only I could find some Miracle-Gro for her hair...


Anonymous said...

we go on monday son of a gun. i hope we have fewer. we got one by mouth last time adn 2 shots.. jeez.

Jill said...

they combined our shots again, correction, it was 3 shots and another oral. lots of tears