Monday, March 30, 2009

What have we been up to?

Let's see! A couple weekends ago we went down to Springfield because Pete had a legal class to attend. Had supper at D'Arcy's Pint. If you ever find yourself in Springfield, please stop by this place and try one of their delectable horseshoes. What's a horseshoe, you ask? Well, unless you are from central IL, you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. This will explain everything you need to know about horseshoes.

I thoroughly enjoyed the chili cheeseburger one and Pete had the supreme.
Here's Amarah trying to sneak a bite of mine:

And here's Pete's monstrosity:

The kids and I hung out at the hotel while Pete was at his class. Addison entertained himself by jumping on the couch.

Then we headed to my parents in Virginia for the rest of the weekend. We had a nice time getting to see my parents along with my brother, Joel and his fiance, Amanda and their 2 kiddos. Here's Amarah and Addison with their cousins Sierra and Austin:

We've been hanging around the house lately. It snowed like crazy Saturday night/Sunday morning. Hopefully this will be the last of the snow for awhile. It is spring, right?

Addison has been an absolute joy as of late. The age that he is at right now is so much fun! He is so curious about EVERYTHING! He is spelling words and wanting to know what those words mean. He continues to talk 24/7. I think we are in trouble when he starts school.

Amarah is approaching 5 months. She is rolling all over the place! I'm sure it won't be long before she is crawling. You can tell she wants to so bad. She's got a big brother to keep up with!

She has been overly fussy lately. We think she is teething but have yet to actually get visual confirmation. This has all been very rough on mommy. Addison was a champion teether. Aside from the constant stream of drool coming out of his mouth, you would never know he was cutting teeth until you saw one sprout through.

Amarah is a different story. She is drooling like a rabid dog. Her hands are constantly in her mouth. She is extremely fussy and not nursing well. I'm starting to wonder if Lake Forest Hospital has a money back guarantee!

This coming weekend we are headed to Pete's parents to celebrate Easter with them. We are looking forward to that. I'm sure there will be more pictures to come! Stay tuned...


jill said...

Keeley and Amarah were separated at.. womb. But you get the point. Drool, shoving both fists in her mouth and gnawing on them--but hell, she's eating fine. I guess that's something to be grateful for. Do you have a plan for introducing solids? first up is rice cereal, I hope to hold off until 6 months if I can. Should I pump a bottle once a week and tuck it in the freezer so I have enough milk to mix it with? I just dont know. I dont want to overpump and end up with 'too much' again. thoughts? have you 'made your own' baby food? lots of people swear by buying frozen peas, boiling them for a couple of minutes, and then running them through a grinder or food processor. Sure seems a lot cheaper than what like a buck a jar, for a buck a bag of peas? just thinking out loud..

and wow, Joel has 2 kids already. he's like 3 years younger than me. Guess I'm WAY behind.. he he.

Valerie23 said...

We aren't starting cereal until 6 months. 1 month to go! Woo-hoo! With Addison, we just mixed it with water and he didn't seem to mind. Not sure what I'm going to do with Amarah. The stuff basically tastes like cardboard anyway. I am looking into making our own baby food this time around but we'll see how truly motivated I am. Joel technically only has 1 child that he can claim biologically, which is Austin. Sierra is his fiance's little girl. So, no, you're not behind!

jill said...

water. genius! You know we just hear what the doctor says and i'm thinking, jesus, I have to pump out 2 tablespoons of milk, dirty up all that crap for 2 tablespoons, and then its supposed to be less each time? aren't you the one who just made my life so much easier ! ha! my mom said she always used a foley food mill to grind food, basically everything they ate, we ate. um, let's see, I saw a steam/processor thing on, I can't/won't afford it, but it's supposed to be a one stop shop type of thing for making baby food. I have several resources (somewhere in my email) of people that did or websites that tell you how to make your own. basically you make up a bunch, put it in ice cube trays and freeze it, pack it up in other containers, and then thaw it out the day you're going to use it. seems pretty reasonable to me.

Valerie23 said...

Glad I could be of assistance! Some people mix the cereal with applesauce or juice but I just think that sets the kid up with a sweet tooth. I think it was our old pediatrician that said to do all the veggies before introducing the fruits. Kids naturally like sweet stuff and if you want them to like veggies, you have to do those first. That's what we did with Addison and he is a fantastic eater! There's not much the kid won't eat.