Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What's in a name?

So I happened to be looking over the top 100 baby names of 2008. You can find that list here.

Go ahead and look. I'll wait...

I am most displeased by #9 on the female side. Thank you very much Grey's Anatomy! I blame you for all of the girls that will be in my son's class sharing the same name as him. I had that name picked out way before your show was ever thought up.

It was back in high school. I was sitting at Lanphier Park in Springfield watching the IHSA state baseball playoffs and there was a team there by the name of Addison-Driscoll. Ever since that day, the name Addison has been stuck in my head.

Fast forward say 7 years to Pete and I sitting around our first apartment in St. Louis, talking about what we would name our kids. I blurted out the name Addison Dace.

I came up with the middle name after having worked at a daycare for a year. There was a boy there who's first name was Dace and I thought that was a pretty sweet name. I also like somewhat unique and interesting names.

When I became pregnant in 2005, we knew that if it was a boy, his name would be Addison Dace. There were no backup names or girls names picked out. When we did receive confirmation that it was indeed a boy, we hosed his room down with blue paint and Addison Dace it was!

Now Amarah was a different story. We didn't even start talking about names until we found out she was a girl. We bought one of those lovely baby name books. I must have looked at that thing as many times as there were names in the book. We considered Keeley, Braelyn, Rylan, and Afton. I loved the name Olivia but it was just too common for me.

We had to come up with a way to narrow our options down. The list of names was just too overwhelming and we didn't have any clear front-runners. I was still waiting for the name to just jump off of the page and say "pick me! pick me!"

I finally said to Pete that we should just pick another "A" name. I've never been one for having a trend when it comes to naming our kids but it was the only way I could think to narrow the choices down. We both agreed and I started scrutinizing any and all "A" names.

Finally I came across the name Amara. I said it aloud to Pete. He liked it. I liked it. And that was it! Now the hard part was over. On to the middle name. We both thought a one syllable name would work best with her first name. I mentioned the name Jade. Pete didn't like it. I mentioned the name Grace and we both liked the sound of it. Plus, it went well with Addison Dace.

I will admit that I had a hard time getting the middle name Jade out of my head. For awhile, everytime I said her name in my head, it was always Amara Jade. And I had to keep reminding myself that wasn't right.

So now we had a name for our baby girl, but everytime I would type it out in an instant message to Pete, something just didn't look right. It just seemed liked something was missing. I decided to add an "H" onto the end of Amara and the rest, as they say, is history!

I don't think you will be seeing Amarah on the top 100 anytime soon, and that's perfectly fine with me!


Anonymous said...

I too, liked Olivia several years ago, but that was before it became super popular. We were looking for an Irish name, and then of course we found Keeley, and it seemed to stick in our heads. We threw around a bunch of others, but that ended up sticking.

My name is Lauren said...

I know how you feel. We thought of Sasha waaaaay before Obama was in the picture for President. Now she'll have a million friends named Sasha.

Oh well, at least she'll have a pencil w/her name on it! :)