Day 3 Tally:
3 pairs of underwear used
19 pee-pees on the potty
1 bottle of Propel drank
52 times the words "do you need to go pee-pee or poo-poo" uttered
2 proud but very tired parents
So as you can see, we made it through Day 3 of the 3 Day Potty Training Method. Addison is by no means completely potty trained but I definitely feel we have turned a corner.
Before this weekend, Addison would never have peed on the potty unless he was sitting on it practically all day long. I had always hesitated putting him in underwear because I didn't think I had the patience to deal with all the accidents.
I am glad that we went through this process and I am glad that Pete was able to take a Friday off to help out. I can honestly say that I'm not sure I would have been able to carry it out without his assistance. Thanks honey!
I am relieved that Addison "gets it." We didn't have to remind him nearly as much today as we did the past two days. He would often stop what he was doing and tell us he needed to go without either one of us prompting him.
We are still working on #2. I think Addison is hesitant to go poo-poo on the potty. Plus, it's easier to learn how to go #1 when you're going all day long. You get plenty of practice. #2...not so much. Well, not unless you've had your fair share of Taco Bell. We'll get it though!
Night training is also something that we are working on. I really struggle with how to approach this issue. Most people would say just put him in Pull-ups at night. I don't think I can do that. I'm afraid this would send mixed signals to Addison and he would feel like he was back in diapers again. I think I would much rather wash sheets every morning than resort to Pull-ups, but we'll see. If anyone has any advice, I'm all ears!
Overall, I would say that this weekend was a success. As the days go by, Addison will only get better and better. Yes he will still have accidents but I'm happy to report that we are well on our way to being potty trained. Now to venture out and about!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Adventures in Potty Training: Take 3
Posted by Valerie23 at 8:53 PM 3 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Adventures in Potty Training: Take 2
Day 2 Tally:
1 set of sheets changed
5 pairs of underwear used
22 pee-pees on the potty
1 poo-poo on the potty
2 bottles of Propel drank
134 times the words "tell mommy or daddy if you need to go to the bathroom" uttered
2 very exhausted parents
As you can see from the tally, today went much better than yesterday, aside from the exhausted part. Oh, and Addison waking up this morning completely soaked along with his bed, but I didn't have high expectations for nightime, so I wasn't surprised.
Pete was able to sum up today best. This method is similar to when new parents bring home their newborn baby for the first time. The first day you are running on pure excitement and adrenaline. By the second day, the initial "newness" has worn off and the exhaustion has officially set in. This is what happened today.
I can honestly say that I am exhausted. I am happy that today went even better than yesterday, with fewer accidents, but I am beat! I have a headache and I don't think I can spend 1 more day cooped up in this house...but I will!
It is so exciting to see it all come together. It's finally starting to click. I am anxious to see what tomorrow's tally will be. But for now, my eyes are blurry and I am way too tired to write more.
Stay tuned...
Posted by Valerie23 at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
Adventures in Potty Training: Take 1
Day 1 Tally:
18 pairs of underwear used
11 successful pee-pees on the potty
6 bottles of Propel drank
267 times the words "do you have to go potty?" uttered
2 very happy and relieved parents
Okay, I couldn't resist.
Today went sooooo much better than I thought it was going to. I thought Addison would be extremely resistant to throwing out all of his diapers but he was so excited to do it. Here he is getting ready to pitch them:
Then it was off to pick out what pair of underwear he was going to start off the day with!
The morning went awesome! We had so much fun with it and made a huge deal out of it.
Then naptime came and that was a little rough. Addison is used to having a clock in his room and not being able to come out of his room until the 2:00 turns to a 3:00. I knew this could no longer happen.
I told him that he would have to take a nap and that once he woke up from his nap, he could come out of his room. After several unsuccessful trips to the potty and 1 accident, he eventually drifted off to sleep only to awake, crying, about 30 minutes later.
I rushed him to the potty, thinking he would for sure have to go right after waking, only to realize that he was clearly not awake. It was quite humorous to watch and I wish I had thought to videotape it.
Unfortunately, he was an absolute grouch potato after that and I was not impressed with how the afternoon was shaping up. But we had our snack, did some dancing, and everything was back to normal.
By the end of the evening, Addison was completely wiped out. We were reading books and he commented to me that he was "tired of reading books." This kid NEVER tires of reading books!
We tucked him into bed and reminded him for the 134th time to keep his underwear clean and dry. He rolled over, grabbed his blanket and was out within a matter of minutes.
*sigh* Overall, I would say today was a success.
Now on to Round 2!
Posted by Valerie23 at 8:31 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Let the potty training games begin!
We have decided to use the 3 day potty training method with Addison starting tomorrow morning. What is the 3 day potty training method? It's basically potty training bootcamp.
Tomorrow morning, we will get up and have Addison throw the rest of his diapers away and then it's only underwear from here on out! We will pump him full of liquids. I'm thinking Propel in this case, or mommy and daddy's water, as he likes to call it.
Then you basically have to become his shadow. Stalking him like an animal stalking his prey. The idea is to always catch him in the act of going and quickly rush him to the potty so he can finish going there. Eventually it will just click and he will start realizing the sensation of having to go.
To be completely honest, I'm terrified! The thought of trailing after him all day long and asking him if he needs to go potty every 15 minutes isn't exactly my idea of an awesome weekend. Neither is cleaning up after all the accidents that he is going to have.
Where I'm torn is using underwear at naptime and bedtime. The author of this method says you cannot use pull-ups or diapers because it sends mixed signals to the child.
I don't know. I think I might just have to invest in some rubber sheets. Do they still sell those things?
Pete has taken tomorrow off to aid in the process. The author also says to only have one parent doing the training but I just can't see this being possible with me nursing Amarah so I think it's going to be a tag team approach.
This afternoon I am off to stock up on Propel, big boy underwear and some snacks. Wish us luck!
Wait! Isn't this weekend Mother's Day? What the heck was I thinking?
Posted by Valerie23 at 1:41 PM 1 comments