Friday, May 8, 2009

Adventures in Potty Training: Take 1

Day 1 Tally:

18 pairs of underwear used
11 successful pee-pees on the potty
6 bottles of Propel drank
267 times the words "do you have to go potty?" uttered
2 very happy and relieved parents


Okay, I couldn't resist.

Today went sooooo much better than I thought it was going to. I thought Addison would be extremely resistant to throwing out all of his diapers but he was so excited to do it. Here he is getting ready to pitch them:

Then it was off to pick out what pair of underwear he was going to start off the day with!

Decisions! Decisions!

The morning went awesome! We had so much fun with it and made a huge deal out of it.

Then naptime came and that was a little rough. Addison is used to having a clock in his room and not being able to come out of his room until the 2:00 turns to a 3:00. I knew this could no longer happen.

I told him that he would have to take a nap and that once he woke up from his nap, he could come out of his room. After several unsuccessful trips to the potty and 1 accident, he eventually drifted off to sleep only to awake, crying, about 30 minutes later.

I rushed him to the potty, thinking he would for sure have to go right after waking, only to realize that he was clearly not awake. It was quite humorous to watch and I wish I had thought to videotape it.

Unfortunately, he was an absolute grouch potato after that and I was not impressed with how the afternoon was shaping up. But we had our snack, did some dancing, and everything was back to normal.

By the end of the evening, Addison was completely wiped out. We were reading books and he commented to me that he was "tired of reading books." This kid NEVER tires of reading books!

We tucked him into bed and reminded him for the 134th time to keep his underwear clean and dry. He rolled over, grabbed his blanket and was out within a matter of minutes.

*sigh* Overall, I would say today was a success.

Now on to Round 2!


jill said...

awesome! stick with it. it will be so worth it. just remember that you're not asking him if he WANTS to go! he he. eventually he'll say no he wants to play! he he. ps you did rescue the diapers and put them back for amarah right?