Saturday, May 9, 2009

Adventures in Potty Training: Take 2

Day 2 Tally:

1 set of sheets changed
5 pairs of underwear used
22 pee-pees on the potty
1 poo-poo on the potty
2 bottles of Propel drank
134 times the words "tell mommy or daddy if you need to go to the bathroom" uttered
2 very exhausted parents

As you can see from the tally, today went much better than yesterday, aside from the exhausted part. Oh, and Addison waking up this morning completely soaked along with his bed, but I didn't have high expectations for nightime, so I wasn't surprised.

Pete was able to sum up today best. This method is similar to when new parents bring home their newborn baby for the first time. The first day you are running on pure excitement and adrenaline. By the second day, the initial "newness" has worn off and the exhaustion has officially set in. This is what happened today.

I can honestly say that I am exhausted. I am happy that today went even better than yesterday, with fewer accidents, but I am beat! I have a headache and I don't think I can spend 1 more day cooped up in this house...but I will!

It is so exciting to see it all come together. It's finally starting to click. I am anxious to see what tomorrow's tally will be. But for now, my eyes are blurry and I am way too tired to write more.

Stay tuned...