Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Did I mention I hate winter?

So it's an absolutely gorgeous day out today. In fact, the high today is supposed to be a lovely 64 degrees. Not too shabby for February 10th! However, Addison and I have both come down with colds so once again we will be stuck inside. It must have been from all the traveling this weekend and the fact that we don't go out too often. Addison's nose started running on Sunday and I woke up yesterday with a sore throat and stuffy nose. Oh joy!

Addison has a wonderful way of letting me know that he needs his nose wiped. I was at the kitchen sink this morning washing up our dishes from breakfast when I hear what sounds like Addison spitting. I go into the living room to check on him and he's sitting there playing with his toys while snot is dripping from his nose down to his upper lip and he was trying to "blow" it away, thus the spitting sound that I heard. So now anytime I hear this wonderful sound, I know it's time to grab a kleenex!

Hopefully Pete and Amarah will be spared.