Monday, February 16, 2009

Sleep Deprived

When Addison was born, he was a very unhappy and difficult child for the first 3 months. If he wasn't constantly in motion, being walked around and around and around, he was not a happy camper. The swing didn't work. The bouncy seat didn't work. Car rides didn't work. If he was awake, he was fussing. He was what we labeled our "high needs" child. The only consolation we had was that he slept through the night almost immediately after being born.

Once I became pregnant with Amarah, we both hoped and prayed that we would not have another "high needs" child for the first 3 months. We figured there would be a trade off. Addison was fussy during the day, but slept through the night. There's the trade off.

So what would the trade off be with Amarah? Well, I think we have officially figured that out. She is a pretty laidback, easygoing baby during the day who rarely fusses. She likes her bouncy seat. She likes her swing. However, she does not sleep through the night.

She had been doing okay. We got the Miracle Blanket and started using it right away and that seemed to help. There was a period of time where she would sleep from 7:30pm to 6:30am and this seemed to be the norm for her. I thanked my lucky stars and went on my merry way.

Right near the 3 month mark, she started waking up in the middle of the night. And what made it worse was that it was never at a consistent time. It could be 12:30, 3:00, 4:15, but never the same time.

I figured she had reached the 3 month growth spurt so I attributed her night wakings to that. She seemed to settle back into a more predictable pattern a few days later. Within the past few days, she has started waking in the middle of the night again. What the heck?!?

Now in all fairness to Amarah, she does currently have a cold and is really congested so I am crossing my fingers and toes and eyes that this too shall pass once she is better. If not, then we will have to come up with a new plan of attack.



Anonymous said...

yikes. try and get a nap when the kids do im headed that way myself already for the 2nd time this morning. god i'm tired.. zzzz

hammer said...

Love the pool pics. hope you all can get some sleep. Loved the ten reasons piece